
The development of industrial gas in China

2021-04-27 15:46:45 354

Industrial gas is called the "blood" of industry. With the rapid development of China's economy, industrial gas, as one of the basic industrial elements of the national economy, has become increasingly prominent in its important position and role in the national economy.

After 2000, the domestic industrial gas industry entered a stage of rapid development. From 2006 to 2007, the industry's total output value growth rate was more than 10%. In 2011, the industry's total output value was nearly 70 billion yuan.

my country's industrial gas market has a vast space, and many fields have entered a stage of rapid growth. The downstream application areas of the industrial gas industry continue to expand. From 2002 to 2012, the demand for energy, environmental protection, and medical care has grown faster than traditional steel and non-ferrous metals, coupled with the new coal chemical industry, especially the development of coal-to-natural gas, and the reduction of energy saving and emission reduction requirements Energy consumption and the requirements of the National Three and Four Standards to reduce the sulfur content of gasoline and diesel will accelerate the growth of industrial gas demand during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period.

In the next five years, my country's industrial gas market will maintain a growth rate of at least 11% and reach sales of more than 120 billion yuan by 2016. The outsourcing share of the industrial gas market will further increase from 42% in 2008 to 50% in 2015.

China's economy has basically maintained double-digit growth. Even under the influence of the international financial crisis, GDP in 2009 was able to maintain a growth of more than 8%, and in 2011 it also reached more than 9%. Economic growth will bring many benefits: First, economic development brings opportunities for enterprises to flourish, and enterprises will create more profits and enable enterprises to invest; secondly, rapid economic development will inevitably drive related industries investment. Economic development has benefited the gas industry a lot. The expansion of investment in gas-related industries will inevitably increase the demand for gas. Therefore, the period of rapid economic growth is also the best time for gas investment.

With the rapid development of China's economy, the industrial gas industry, as one of the basic industrial elements of the national economy, has become increasingly prominent in its important position and role in the national economy. After 2000, the industrial gas industry has entered a stage of rapid development. The huge market demand has brought a broad development space for China's gas industry. In the future, my country's industrial gas industry will continue to maintain a rapid development trend. It is expected that China’s industrial gas market will maintain a growth rate of at least 11% in the next 5 years. The application fields of industrial gas are very wide. The traditional industries are mainly steel and chemical industry. The emerging application fields include metal processing, coal chemical industry, glass, electric power, Various industries such as electronics, medical treatment, road maintenance, food and beverage. In 2008, the steel and chemical industries accounted for 57%. The application of oxygen in non-ferrous and other industries was relatively dispersed, accounting for 43% in total. By 2015, the share of the steel and chemical industries will drop to 47%, while the proportion of other industries will rise to 53%.




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