
The application of liquid nitrogen tank in daily life

2021-04-27 15:47:07 413

1. Liquid nitrogen tanks are commonly known as biological liquid nitrogen tanks. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, liquid nitrogen tanks are used more and more widely. It can be used not only in medical treatment, biological research, university experiments, chromatography experiments, and epidemic prevention units, but also in daily life beauty, wedding and other industries. Its use conforms to the development of society and satisfies different customer groups. The tanks used for medical treatment and scientific research are mainly storage liquid nitrogen containers, which are used for long-term preservation of bovine semen, embryos, stem cells, skin, internal organs, vaccines and other active biological materials in the static room. The following mainly talks about all aspects of liquid nitrogen tanks used in life.

Second, the application of liquid nitrogen tanks in the beauty industry, in order to make products more widely used in life, the company has developed a special liquid nitrogen tank for beauty. This series of products consist of a liquid nitrogen tank and a liquid nitrogen cryotherapy instrument. Simple operation, convenient use, low cost, excellent price, etc. This product is specially designed for beauty salons and hospital dermatologists. Liquid nitrogen freezing cosmetology is a physical therapy commonly used in hospital dermatology and beauty salons. It uses the ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen to act on vegetations that hinder skin beauty, such as freckles, moles, and pigment spots. Ice crystals are formed inside and outside the tissue cells, the structure is destroyed and lysed; at the same time, the low temperature causes dehydration of the cells, concentration of electrolytes, changes in pH, protein denaturation, cell metabolism and death. Necrosis and natural fall off of vegetation to achieve the purpose of treatment and beauty. The refrigerant used in freezing beauty is liquid nitrogen, which is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable, non-explosive, transparent liquid with a temperature of about -196°C, and users can use it with confidence. Frozen beauty has the advantages of low cost, good beauty effect, no negative effects, and no recurrence after freezing. By the way, I will introduce the liquid nitrogen cryotherapy instrument, commonly known as the liquid nitrogen gun. This instrument is a good liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, and the liquid nitrogen gun is widely used in various clinical departments of the hospital. In dermatology, it is mainly used to treat: flat warts, molluscum contagiosum; various hemangiomas, pimples; various moles and hair stains; chronic eczema, neurodermatitis; corns, lichen planus, prurigo nodularis ; Freckles, seborrheic dermatitis; used in gynecology: cervicitis, vulvar tumors, etc.; used in ophthalmology: cataracts, glaucoma, corneal eyes, pterygium; used in ENT: tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis, laryngeal papilla For dentistry: precancerous mutations, benign tumors, malignant tumors, papillary hyperplasia, dental ridge tumors, chronic cheilitis, intractable ulcers; used in surgery: burns, hemorrhoids. The liquid nitrogen treatment instrument can be used in various clinical departments of the hospital to replace the operation. It is safe and non-toxic, harmless and less painful, does not damage healthy tissues, and has a good sterilization effect.

Third, the application of liquid nitrogen tanks in the festive market, in order to add a few more mysterious atmosphere and beauty to the happy scene, the liquid nitrogen container products play a big role here. The company specially designed a special hydraulic pump for this purpose. The pump uses a compressed rubber ball to generate negative suction liquid nitrogen and then vaporizes in the vaporization chamber to generate pressure to automatically deliver the liquid nitrogen. The pump body is equipped with valves, pressure gauges, safety valves, infusion pipes, and type A pumps are general-purpose pumps that can be connected to various containers with a diameter of 50mm; type B pumps are special pumps that are connected to the container with a movable clamp, which is airtight Well, loading and unloading is very convenient. The pump is used to replenish liquid nitrogen to the liquid nitrogen biological container, and can be matched with electronic instruments and ultra-low temperature boxes. When in use, you only need to tighten the bayonet between the hydraulic pump and the liquid nitrogen tank, and gently squeeze the rubber ball on the liquid nitrogen pump. The liquid nitrogen will automatically react with the air to produce a beautiful nitrogen vapor smoke effect. The device is safe, effective and convenient.




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